Kill weeds, not lawns
Lawn Weed Killer won't harm your grass but kills common weeds including dandelions, clover, and many more. Kills down to the roots in 24-48 hours. Use on any grass. Made from naturally occurring iron.
Kills: Algae, Black medic, Broadleaf plantain, Bull thistle, Canada thistle, Common chickweed, Creeping buttercup, Creeping Charlie/Ground Ivy, Dandelion, Dollar spot, Dovefoot geranium, English Daisy, False dandelion, Heal-all, Lawn burweed, Liverworts, Lichen, Moss, Narrow-leaved plantain, Oxalis, Persian speedwell, Prostrate knotweed, Rust, Shepherd's purse, Silverweed cinquefoil, Slender speedwell, Snow mold, White clover, Wild chamomile